Contamination des surfaces par les platines lors des CHIP

9 octobre 2011

R. Schierl Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine,
Munich University, Munich, Germany
(Director Prof. D. Nowak, M.D.)

The aim of this study was to measure contamination by platinum drugs in the operating room after hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).

Environmental monitoring was performed with platinum as a sensitive marker for Cis-, Carbo- and Oxaliplatin. In total, 140 wipe samples from surfaces of HIPEC devices and operating room floors during 18 HIPEC procedures were investigated. Additionally, 40 wipe samples from protective gloves were analyzed.

Platinum concentrations from HIPEC devices and operating room floors ranged from 0.1 to 100,000 pg/cm² (median : 1.5 pg/cm²). To some extent, high contamination was found on the regulation and injection devices. Sometimes, values before starting the HIPEC procedure were higher than afterwards, which can be explained by insufficient cleaning after previous use. Samples from protective gloves ranged between 0.1 and 700 ng/pair.

Although high platinum concentrations on some surfaces were detected, our study shows that low surface loads are definitely possible and can be documented by wipe samples. Careful cleaning of the devices after HIPEC and wearing of two pair of gloves are strongly recommended.

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