2018 Conference
21thGERPAC Conference
October 3-5, 2018 - Hyères - France
Breakout sessions
Session 1: Maintenance of an isolator in hospital pharmacy: periodical inspections and qualifications
Dr P. Hild, Roanne Hospital, France
D. Meyer, DM Compliance, Chevreuse, France
Pr F. Sadeghipour, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Session 2: Methods for stability testing and container-content compatibility studies. Valérie Sautou, PU-PH, CHU Clermont-Ferrand
Frédéric Lagarce, PU-PH, CHU Angers
Session 3: An automated compounding cytotoxic unit Dr M-L. Brandely-Piat, Hôtel Dieu, Paris, France
Dr E. Coiffon, Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Dr L. Escalup, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Dr M-N. Guerrault, CHI Poissy St Germain, France
Session 4: Creating learning tools to train operators in cytotoxic preparation units using quizzes, card games and video Dr P. Rohrbach, Verdun St Mihiel Hospital, France
Dr C. Nowak, Angoulême Hospital, France
Dr G. Bouguéon, University Hospital Bordeaux, France
Dr S. Rodier, Alençon Hospital, France
D. Meyer, DM Compliance, Chevreuse, France
Pr F. Sadeghipour, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Session 2: Methods for stability testing and container-content compatibility studies. Valérie Sautou, PU-PH, CHU Clermont-Ferrand
Frédéric Lagarce, PU-PH, CHU Angers
Session 3: An automated compounding cytotoxic unit Dr M-L. Brandely-Piat, Hôtel Dieu, Paris, France
Dr E. Coiffon, Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Dr L. Escalup, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Dr M-N. Guerrault, CHI Poissy St Germain, France
Session 4: Creating learning tools to train operators in cytotoxic preparation units using quizzes, card games and video Dr P. Rohrbach, Verdun St Mihiel Hospital, France
Dr C. Nowak, Angoulême Hospital, France
Dr G. Bouguéon, University Hospital Bordeaux, France
Dr S. Rodier, Alençon Hospital, France
Round Table
Preparations in paediatrics
Pr P. Odou, CHRU Lille
Dr J-M. Canonge, CHU Toulouse Medicines Safety: Paediatric formulations provided by hospital pharmacies Dr Andy Lowey Lead Clinician - Clinical Pharmacy & Preparative Services, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Research in the field of paediatric drug formulation F. Marçon1,2 1. Pharmacie à Usage Intérieur, département conception, fabrication et contrôle du médicament, CHU Amiens- Picardie, Amiens, France.
2. Laboratoire AGIR EA 4294, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France The PaedForm project Helin-Tanninen Minna (Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland)
Dr J-M. Canonge, CHU Toulouse Medicines Safety: Paediatric formulations provided by hospital pharmacies Dr Andy Lowey Lead Clinician - Clinical Pharmacy & Preparative Services, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Research in the field of paediatric drug formulation F. Marçon1,2 1. Pharmacie à Usage Intérieur, département conception, fabrication et contrôle du médicament, CHU Amiens- Picardie, Amiens, France.
2. Laboratoire AGIR EA 4294, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France The PaedForm project Helin-Tanninen Minna (Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland)
Hot topics (1)
Pr S. Crauste-Manciet, CHU Bordeaux
Pr F. Lagarce, CHU Angers Pharmaceutical Technology: Imperatives and Opportunities Alexander T. Florence UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London, London WC1N, UK Pilot Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Four Cleaning Solutions and Two Types of Mops in Delimited Areas of a Floor Contaminated with Cyclophosphamide Roland C1, Adé A1, Ouellette-Frève JF2, Caron N3, Bussières JF1,4 1 Pharmacy Practice Research Unit, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2 Oncology Pharmacy Department, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Québec, Canada
3 Quebec Toxicology Center, Institut national de santé publique du Québec, Québec, Québec, Canada
4 Faculty of Pharmacy, Montréal University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Master 2 Communication Nanoemulsion for Magnetic Hyperthermia in Oncology
H. Mazaré1, G. Prévot1, S. Mornet2, O. Sandre4,F. Couillaut 3, S. Crauste-Manciet1
1 ARNA laboratory, Univ. Bordeaux, INSERM, U1212, CNRS, UMR 5320, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
2 ICMCB, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, UPR 9048, F-33600 Pessac, France
3 IMOTION, EA 7435, Univ. Bordeaux, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
4 LCPO, Univ. Bordeaux, INP-ENSCBP, CNRS, UMR 5629, F-33607 Pessac, France
Microbiological stability of hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone oral suspension coumpounded with additives-free suspending vehicule
C. Sanchez 1, K. Beuzit1, A. Bousseau2, A. Dupuis 1-3,F. G. Binson 1-3
1 Pharmacy, Poitiers Teaching Hospital, Poitiers, France
2 Hygiene unit, Poitiers Teaching Hospital, Poitiers, France
3 INSERM cic 1402 hedex, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France
Pr F. Lagarce, CHU Angers Pharmaceutical Technology: Imperatives and Opportunities Alexander T. Florence UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London, London WC1N, UK Pilot Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Four Cleaning Solutions and Two Types of Mops in Delimited Areas of a Floor Contaminated with Cyclophosphamide Roland C1, Adé A1, Ouellette-Frève JF2, Caron N3, Bussières JF1,4 1 Pharmacy Practice Research Unit, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2 Oncology Pharmacy Department, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Québec, Canada
3 Quebec Toxicology Center, Institut national de santé publique du Québec, Québec, Québec, Canada
4 Faculty of Pharmacy, Montréal University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Master 2 Communication Nanoemulsion for Magnetic Hyperthermia in Oncology
H. Mazaré1, G. Prévot1, S. Mornet2, O. Sandre4,F. Couillaut 3, S. Crauste-Manciet1
1 ARNA laboratory, Univ. Bordeaux, INSERM, U1212, CNRS, UMR 5320, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
2 ICMCB, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, UPR 9048, F-33600 Pessac, France
3 IMOTION, EA 7435, Univ. Bordeaux, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
4 LCPO, Univ. Bordeaux, INP-ENSCBP, CNRS, UMR 5629, F-33607 Pessac, France
Microbiological stability of hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone oral suspension coumpounded with additives-free suspending vehicule
C. Sanchez 1, K. Beuzit1, A. Bousseau2, A. Dupuis 1-3,F. G. Binson 1-3
1 Pharmacy, Poitiers Teaching Hospital, Poitiers, France
2 Hygiene unit, Poitiers Teaching Hospital, Poitiers, France
3 INSERM cic 1402 hedex, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France
Hot topics (2)
Dr Marie-Laure Brandely-Piat, GH Paris Centre site Hôtel-Dieu
Pr Denis Brossard, Paris Particulate contamination of solutions Pr P. Odou GRITA - Faculty of Pharmacy – Lille University and Hospital University of Lille Terrorist chemical threat: research and operational countermeasures Christophe Piérard, PhD, HDR Unité Vésicants – Département Toxicologie et Risques Chimiques
Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
B.P. 73 – 91223 Brétigny-sur-Orge Cedex, France
Pr Denis Brossard, Paris Particulate contamination of solutions Pr P. Odou GRITA - Faculty of Pharmacy – Lille University and Hospital University of Lille Terrorist chemical threat: research and operational countermeasures Christophe Piérard, PhD, HDR Unité Vésicants – Département Toxicologie et Risques Chimiques
Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
B.P. 73 – 91223 Brétigny-sur-Orge Cedex, France
Using medication dispensing systems
Dr Sylvie Armand-Branger, Ch Sainte Gemmes sur Loire,
Dr Francis Jacq, Nevers Development of a unit dose drug distribution robot project in a GHT H. Bontemps, M. Boudelin GHT Rhône Nord Beaujolais Dombes Beaujolais Automation of dose preparation to be administered, what solutions for which objectives ? J. Duceau Assistant pharmacist, CHR Orléans
Dr Francis Jacq, Nevers Development of a unit dose drug distribution robot project in a GHT H. Bontemps, M. Boudelin GHT Rhône Nord Beaujolais Dombes Beaujolais Automation of dose preparation to be administered, what solutions for which objectives ? J. Duceau Assistant pharmacist, CHR Orléans
Oral scientific communications
Evaluation of the chemical contamination in the analytical control circuit of sterile injectable preparations
L. Jordono 1, G. Bouguéon1,2, A. Berroneau1, S. Crauste-Manciet1,2
1 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital (CHU de Bordeaux, France)
2 ARNAChemBioPharm U1212 Inserm-UMR 5320 (CNRS Bordeaux University, France) Occupational exposure of nurses to cytotoxic agents: Preliminary results of a comparative assessment of two administration devices Bastien Raymond, Marion Hugues, Agnes Macé, Sandrine Menguy, Fabien Forges, Xavier Simoens Institut de Cancérologie Lucien Neuwirth, St Etienne, France Application of wipe samples to assess practices and limit the risk of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs in two hospitals: from vial receipt to drug administration A. Acramel 1, A. Hurgon1, J. Fouque2, S. Huguet2, H. Bothorel-Maquart3, A. Laissus3, B. Marie3, M. Lafay1, M. Friou1, K Rezai2, O. Madar2, L. Escalup1 1 Département de Pharmacie, Institut Curie, Paris et Saint-Cloud, France
2 Département de Radio-pharmacologie, Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, France
3 Département de Santé au travail, Institut Curie, Paris et Saint-Cloud, France Evaluation of the surface antineoplastic contamination of ready-to-use gemcitabine bags Philip Chennell 1, Antoine Jego2, Valérie Sautou1 1 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont-Ferrand,
ICCF, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pole Pharmacie, Clermont-Ferrand, France Determination of cleanroom cleanliness through airborne particle monitoring: Should we be using faster flow rate particle counters? Heather Stephenson BSc , Jamie Clarke BSc and Wayne Goddard MSc A comparison of common trends of microorganisms isolated from NHS aseptic manufacturing units in the North of England Courtney Smith , Vicky Tickle, Wayne Goddard Escape room: a fun and effective way to learn good manufacturing practices Faustine Berthod , Dr Lucie Bouchoud, Prof Pascal Bonnabry Geneva University Hospitals, Pharmacy, Geneva, Switzerland Feedback after the implementation and the first three months production of an automated chemotherapy compounding system Romain HARNAY 1, Said RAMDANI1, Sabrina BEN EL KHEZNADJI1, Hayfa BOUZOUITA1, Romain DESMARIS1, Loretta MORICONI3 François LEMARE1,3, Malik BERHOUNE1 1 Département de pharmacie clinique, Gustave Roussy, 114 rue Edouard Vaillant 94800 Villejuif
2 Loccioni Group, Via Fiume 16, 60030 Angeli di Rosora, Ancona (Italie)
3 Laboratoire de Pharmacie Clinique, Faculté de pharmacie de Paris, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, 4 Avenue de l’Observatoire, 75006 Paris, Productivity assessment of different workflow organizations for sterile preparations by a robot J. HELOURY 1, G.BOUGUEON1,2, A.BERRONEAU1, S.CRAUSTE-MANCIET1,2 1 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital, France
2 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM – UMR 5320 CNRS, Bordeaux University, France 1st CRUATHLON of the regional cancer group ONCAUVERGNE SIGWARD Estelle 1, BERTUCAT Hélèna2, DE LAULANIE Marion3, DELIGEARD Emmanuel4, FONTVIELLE Amélie5, GRANGE Isabelle6, JOUANNET Mireille7, JULIEN Geneviève8, LAFON Marie Pierre9, LECHEVALIER Cécile10, SIMAND Agnès11, TREVIS Sophie7, CHEVRIER Régine12 (1) CH Montluçon, (2) CH Vichy, (3) Clinique Saint François Désertines, (4) CH Moulins-Yzeure, (5) CH-St Amber, (6) CH Le Puy en Velay, (7) CHU Clermont-Ferrand, (8) CH Thiers, (9) CH Aurillac, (10) CH St Flour, (11) Pole Santé République Clermont-Ferrand, (12) Centre Jean Perrin Clermont-Ferrand. FRANCE
Assessment of an online training tool for the Automated unit-dose Dispensing System (ADS) process Marie Hamon , Flora Capelle, Raphaël Passemard, Anne Dory, Bénédicte Gourieux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Service pharmacie stérilisation Return on 7 years-experience of automation of the production of chemotherapies A. Hurgon , FA. Chastang, A. Chassin, A. Pelloquin, L. Escalup Department of Pharmacy, Institut Curie, Paris, France The use of capillary eletrophoresis for the anticancer drugs analysis in chemotherapies produced by a hospital pharmacy Nicolas Guichard1,2, Marie Ogereau1, Ludivine Falaschi1, Serge Rudaz2, Julie Schappler2, Pascal Bonnabry1,2, Sandrine Fleury-Souverain2 1 Pharmacy, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
2 School of pharmacy, Geneva University, Lausanne University, Geneva, Switzerland Mass spectrometry coupled to diode array detection (LCMS/DAD): a useful tool for efficient and improved stability testing Julien Robert, Thomas Briot, Frederic Lagarce Laboratoire de contrôle, service Pharmacie, CHU Angers, France UV-PLS : an analytical method for control quality of morphine in a complex vehicle for oral liquid form Julie Truong 1, Florence Bourdon1, Damien Lannoy1,2, Carole Nassar1, Marine Roche1, Christophe Berneron1, Pascal Odou. 1,2 1 Institut de Pharmacie – rue Philippe Marache - CHU Lille
2 EA GRITA 7365 - Faculté de pharmacie - Univ Lille Standard Paediatric Parenteral Nutritions (SPN): stability study of binary and ternary mixtures for neonatology B. Dessane 1, A. Venet1, B. Raspaud1, S. Mesli2, E. Richard2, V. Servant1, S. Crauste-Manciet1,3 1 Unité de pharmacotechnie, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux, France
2 Laboratoire de biochimie, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux, France
3 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM - UMR 5320 CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France Choosing a predictive model of osmolarity to control parenteral nutrition solutions (PNS) Pierre MADE, Vincent LEBRETON, Emmanuelle OLIVIER Pharmacy Department, CHU de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, Service Pharmacie, 1 Pl. Alexis Ricordeau, 44093 Nantes Stability of dexamethasone, hydrochlorothiazide, phenytoin and spironolactone oral suspensions compounded with additives-free suspending vehicle Léa Marco1, Barbara Troussier1, Guillaume Binson1,2 et Antoine dupuis1,2 1 Pharmacie, CHU de Poitiers, 2 rue de la Milétrie, 86021 Poitiers
2 INSERM CIC 1402 axe HEDEX, Université de Poitiers, Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie, Poitiers
Impact of polyvinylchloride and polyurethane infusion set upon infliximab sorption Nicolas Tokhadzé , Philip Chennell, Valérie Sautou Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU CLERMONT FERRAND, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, ICCF, F-63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, France
Securing the process of antineoplastic drug preparations: a multivariate analysis of manufacturing non-compliances Caroline GERVAISE , Lucie CORNET, Marion HUGUES, Sandrine MENGUY, Agnès MACE, Fabien TINQUAUT, Fabien FORGES, Xavier SIMOENS Institut de Cancérologie Lucien Neuwirth, 108bis Avenue Albert Raimond, 42270 Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France Have you checked for “stranger things” in your automated dispensing system for PET radiopharmaceuticals ? T. Martin , E. Terrier, F. Loutfi, A. Moyon, P. Garrigue, B. Guillet Radiopharmacy department, University Hospital Nord, APHM, Marseille, FRANCE
Characterization, infrared imaging and modeling of aerosol dynamics for automated room decontamination M-A Cerfon, M. Rousseau, B. Lapras, S. Filali, L. Bossy, D. Salmon, C. Merienne, C. Pivot, F. Pirot Hospices Civils de Lyon, Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot - Service Pharmaceutique, Place d’Arsonval - F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France
Impact of internal vial pressure and excipient formulation on chemical contamination risk for injectable drugs manufactured in robot T.DELJEHIER 1, G.BOUGUEON1,2, A.BERRONEAU1, S.CRAUSTE-MANCIET1,2 1 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital, France
2 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM – UMR 5320 CNRS, Bordeaux University, France Support the pooling of centralized cytotoxic preparation units (CPU) : an innovative approach conducted by the Ile de France (Regional Health Agency) Florence LEPAGNOL , Claire HENRY, Valérie GODINOT Quality, Security, Pharmacy, Drug and Biology Department, Ile de France Regional Health Agence (RHA) Gene therapy and CAR-T cells: feedback and description of the planned circuit at the Oncopole C.Miguet , L.Fievet, J-M. Canonge, F.Puisset, A.Grand Pharmacy departement, Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse – Oncopole, Toulouse, France
2 ARNAChemBioPharm U1212 Inserm-UMR 5320 (CNRS Bordeaux University, France) Occupational exposure of nurses to cytotoxic agents: Preliminary results of a comparative assessment of two administration devices Bastien Raymond, Marion Hugues, Agnes Macé, Sandrine Menguy, Fabien Forges, Xavier Simoens Institut de Cancérologie Lucien Neuwirth, St Etienne, France Application of wipe samples to assess practices and limit the risk of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs in two hospitals: from vial receipt to drug administration A. Acramel 1, A. Hurgon1, J. Fouque2, S. Huguet2, H. Bothorel-Maquart3, A. Laissus3, B. Marie3, M. Lafay1, M. Friou1, K Rezai2, O. Madar2, L. Escalup1 1 Département de Pharmacie, Institut Curie, Paris et Saint-Cloud, France
2 Département de Radio-pharmacologie, Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, France
3 Département de Santé au travail, Institut Curie, Paris et Saint-Cloud, France Evaluation of the surface antineoplastic contamination of ready-to-use gemcitabine bags Philip Chennell 1, Antoine Jego2, Valérie Sautou1 1 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont-Ferrand,
ICCF, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pole Pharmacie, Clermont-Ferrand, France Determination of cleanroom cleanliness through airborne particle monitoring: Should we be using faster flow rate particle counters? Heather Stephenson BSc , Jamie Clarke BSc and Wayne Goddard MSc A comparison of common trends of microorganisms isolated from NHS aseptic manufacturing units in the North of England Courtney Smith , Vicky Tickle, Wayne Goddard Escape room: a fun and effective way to learn good manufacturing practices Faustine Berthod , Dr Lucie Bouchoud, Prof Pascal Bonnabry Geneva University Hospitals, Pharmacy, Geneva, Switzerland Feedback after the implementation and the first three months production of an automated chemotherapy compounding system Romain HARNAY 1, Said RAMDANI1, Sabrina BEN EL KHEZNADJI1, Hayfa BOUZOUITA1, Romain DESMARIS1, Loretta MORICONI3 François LEMARE1,3, Malik BERHOUNE1 1 Département de pharmacie clinique, Gustave Roussy, 114 rue Edouard Vaillant 94800 Villejuif
2 Loccioni Group, Via Fiume 16, 60030 Angeli di Rosora, Ancona (Italie)
3 Laboratoire de Pharmacie Clinique, Faculté de pharmacie de Paris, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, 4 Avenue de l’Observatoire, 75006 Paris, Productivity assessment of different workflow organizations for sterile preparations by a robot J. HELOURY 1, G.BOUGUEON1,2, A.BERRONEAU1, S.CRAUSTE-MANCIET1,2 1 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital, France
2 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM – UMR 5320 CNRS, Bordeaux University, France 1st CRUATHLON of the regional cancer group ONCAUVERGNE SIGWARD Estelle 1, BERTUCAT Hélèna2, DE LAULANIE Marion3, DELIGEARD Emmanuel4, FONTVIELLE Amélie5, GRANGE Isabelle6, JOUANNET Mireille7, JULIEN Geneviève8, LAFON Marie Pierre9, LECHEVALIER Cécile10, SIMAND Agnès11, TREVIS Sophie7, CHEVRIER Régine12 (1) CH Montluçon, (2) CH Vichy, (3) Clinique Saint François Désertines, (4) CH Moulins-Yzeure, (5) CH-St Amber, (6) CH Le Puy en Velay, (7) CHU Clermont-Ferrand, (8) CH Thiers, (9) CH Aurillac, (10) CH St Flour, (11) Pole Santé République Clermont-Ferrand, (12) Centre Jean Perrin Clermont-Ferrand. FRANCE
Assessment of an online training tool for the Automated unit-dose Dispensing System (ADS) process Marie Hamon , Flora Capelle, Raphaël Passemard, Anne Dory, Bénédicte Gourieux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Service pharmacie stérilisation Return on 7 years-experience of automation of the production of chemotherapies A. Hurgon , FA. Chastang, A. Chassin, A. Pelloquin, L. Escalup Department of Pharmacy, Institut Curie, Paris, France The use of capillary eletrophoresis for the anticancer drugs analysis in chemotherapies produced by a hospital pharmacy Nicolas Guichard1,2, Marie Ogereau1, Ludivine Falaschi1, Serge Rudaz2, Julie Schappler2, Pascal Bonnabry1,2, Sandrine Fleury-Souverain2 1 Pharmacy, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
2 School of pharmacy, Geneva University, Lausanne University, Geneva, Switzerland Mass spectrometry coupled to diode array detection (LCMS/DAD): a useful tool for efficient and improved stability testing Julien Robert, Thomas Briot, Frederic Lagarce Laboratoire de contrôle, service Pharmacie, CHU Angers, France UV-PLS : an analytical method for control quality of morphine in a complex vehicle for oral liquid form Julie Truong 1, Florence Bourdon1, Damien Lannoy1,2, Carole Nassar1, Marine Roche1, Christophe Berneron1, Pascal Odou. 1,2 1 Institut de Pharmacie – rue Philippe Marache - CHU Lille
2 EA GRITA 7365 - Faculté de pharmacie - Univ Lille Standard Paediatric Parenteral Nutritions (SPN): stability study of binary and ternary mixtures for neonatology B. Dessane 1, A. Venet1, B. Raspaud1, S. Mesli2, E. Richard2, V. Servant1, S. Crauste-Manciet1,3 1 Unité de pharmacotechnie, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux, France
2 Laboratoire de biochimie, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux, France
3 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM - UMR 5320 CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France Choosing a predictive model of osmolarity to control parenteral nutrition solutions (PNS) Pierre MADE, Vincent LEBRETON, Emmanuelle OLIVIER Pharmacy Department, CHU de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, Service Pharmacie, 1 Pl. Alexis Ricordeau, 44093 Nantes Stability of dexamethasone, hydrochlorothiazide, phenytoin and spironolactone oral suspensions compounded with additives-free suspending vehicle Léa Marco1, Barbara Troussier1, Guillaume Binson1,2 et Antoine dupuis1,2 1 Pharmacie, CHU de Poitiers, 2 rue de la Milétrie, 86021 Poitiers
2 INSERM CIC 1402 axe HEDEX, Université de Poitiers, Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie, Poitiers
Impact of polyvinylchloride and polyurethane infusion set upon infliximab sorption Nicolas Tokhadzé , Philip Chennell, Valérie Sautou Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU CLERMONT FERRAND, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, ICCF, F-63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, France
Securing the process of antineoplastic drug preparations: a multivariate analysis of manufacturing non-compliances Caroline GERVAISE , Lucie CORNET, Marion HUGUES, Sandrine MENGUY, Agnès MACE, Fabien TINQUAUT, Fabien FORGES, Xavier SIMOENS Institut de Cancérologie Lucien Neuwirth, 108bis Avenue Albert Raimond, 42270 Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France Have you checked for “stranger things” in your automated dispensing system for PET radiopharmaceuticals ? T. Martin , E. Terrier, F. Loutfi, A. Moyon, P. Garrigue, B. Guillet Radiopharmacy department, University Hospital Nord, APHM, Marseille, FRANCE
Characterization, infrared imaging and modeling of aerosol dynamics for automated room decontamination M-A Cerfon, M. Rousseau, B. Lapras, S. Filali, L. Bossy, D. Salmon, C. Merienne, C. Pivot, F. Pirot Hospices Civils de Lyon, Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot - Service Pharmaceutique, Place d’Arsonval - F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France
Impact of internal vial pressure and excipient formulation on chemical contamination risk for injectable drugs manufactured in robot T.DELJEHIER 1, G.BOUGUEON1,2, A.BERRONEAU1, S.CRAUSTE-MANCIET1,2 1 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital, France
2 ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM – UMR 5320 CNRS, Bordeaux University, France Support the pooling of centralized cytotoxic preparation units (CPU) : an innovative approach conducted by the Ile de France (Regional Health Agency) Florence LEPAGNOL , Claire HENRY, Valérie GODINOT Quality, Security, Pharmacy, Drug and Biology Department, Ile de France Regional Health Agence (RHA) Gene therapy and CAR-T cells: feedback and description of the planned circuit at the Oncopole C.Miguet , L.Fievet, J-M. Canonge, F.Puisset, A.Grand Pharmacy departement, Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse – Oncopole, Toulouse, France
Cyclophosphamide reconstituted in advance : Could Drug Cam® provide a solution ?
M-C. Casaurancq 1, V. Labat 1, L. Bertrand 1, V. Malvezin 1, J-Y Jomier 1, S. Ferrari 1
Service Pharmacie, Centre Hospitalier de Pau, 4 boulevard Hauterive, 64000 Pau, France
Use of Enzyme Indicators, Enhanced and accelerated validation of Hydrogen Peroxyde sanitization cycles Franck PAVAN1, Phillip GODDEN2 1. EUROCOM SARL 6 Chemin des Garennes, 31260 TOUILLE France
Feedback on the implementation of a method by capillary electrophoresis for parenteral nutrition bags M. Antonot, C. Pellen, C. Dubegny, P-N. Boivin, M-A. Lester ;
Pharmacy department, Rennes University Hospital, Rennes, France Implementation and validation of dosage of a monoclonal antibody by QC-Prep®: Example of Avelumab (BAVENCIO®) Thi Vinh Hanh DOAN, Antonin DUBOIS, Lorenzo FALCONIERI, Névine OSMAN, Anne JACOLOT, Marthe RIGAL, Maxime APPARUIT Unité de préparation et de contrôle des anticancéreux (UPC) – Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Avicenne (HUPSSD), France Analysis of non-conformities after 7 months of video control use by DrugCam® Jambon Julie, Gillet Christelle, Brouard Pascale, Favier Mireille, Cousin Christelle CHU Caremeau, 4 Rue du Professeur Robert Debré, Nîmes FRANCE Evaluation of reprotoxic risk assessment in a control laboratory (CL): choice of a new method for the calcium dosage in parenteral nutrition preparation L. Favrelle1 ; AF. Dumas1 ; J. Leenhardt1 ; M. Durand1 ; B. Allenet1,2 ; P. Bedouch1 ; MD. Desruet1 ; R. Mazet1,3 1 Pharmacie centrale, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Grenoble Alpes,
2 ThEMAS,TIMC-IMAG UMR CNRS 5525, Université Grenoble Alpes,
3 DPM, UMR CNRS 5063, ICMG FR 2607, Université Grenoble Alpes
Determination of endotoxin in vitamin-lipid syringes by the chromogenic kinetic method Elisabeth FARCY , Raphael VAZQUEZ, Marie-Noëlle GUERRAULT-MORO, Annie DURAND CHI Poissy-Saint germain en laye, France
Test for sterility using membrane filtration : validation of a new method A.Danckaert, J.Randrianary , F.Danicourt, A.Feutry, S.Granry, F.Monard, S.Richez, E.Janvier Centre Hospitalier de Calais, France Anti-cancer vials: identifiable? M.Gallard1 , J.Arcizet1, M.Laplace1, L.Jolly2, B.Dalifard1, B. Le Franc1 1 Unité de Reconstitution des Cytotoxiques (URC), service Pharmacie, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France
2 Service Biomédical, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France Optical emission spectrometer inductively coupled plasma: Application to chemical controls of parenteral nutrition mixtures S.Vandewoestyne ; D.Sémély ; J-B. Desbouges ; F. Roussin ; Z.Ramjaun ; M.Tafani. Uf Pharmacotechnie, C.H.U Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
Stability of concentrated solutions of isosorbide dinitrate in syringes for administration in the Intensive Care Unit Hecq JD , Lardinois B, Dimitrio A, Bihin B, Jamart J, Soumoy L, Galanti L Drug Stability Research Group. CHU UCL Namur, Belgique The conception of a laboratory suited to the chemotherapies analysis in hospital pharmacy Nicolas Guichard1,2, Pascal Bonnabry1,2 et Sandrine Fleury-Souverain1 1. Pharmacy, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
2. School of Pharmacy, Geneva University, Lausanne University, Geneva, Switzerland Long-term stability of an infusion containing paracetamol, alizapride, ketorolac and tramadol in glass bottle at 5±3°C M.-L. Colsoul1,4, J.-D. Hecq2,4, L. Soumoy2,4, O. Charles1, N. Goderniaux1,4, B. Bihin3,4, J. Jamart3,4, L. Galanti1,4 1 Medical Laboratory, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
2 Department of Pharmacy,CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
3 Scientific Support Unit, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
4 Drug Stability Research Group, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium Retrospective analysis of Y-site drugs compatibilities in a hematology unit G.Sicard 1, R.Fanciullino1,2, R.Costello3, S.Gensollen20 1 SMARTc, CRCM, UMR Inserm 1068, CNRS UMR 7258, Aix Marseille Université U105, Faculté de Pharmacie, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin - CS 30064 - 13385 Marseille, France
2 Pharmacie, Hôpital de la Conception, 147 Boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille
3 Service d’hématologie, Hôpital de la Conception, 147 Boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille Long-term stability of lorazepam in sodium chloride 0.9% polypropylene syringes at 5±3°C A. Breuer1, M.-L. Colsoul1,4, N. Goderniaux1,4, L. Galanti1,4, L. Soumoy2,4, B. Bihin3,4, J. Jamart3,4, J.-D. Hecq2,4 1 Medical Laboratory, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
2 Department of Pharmacy, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
3 Scientific Support Unit, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
4 Drug Stability Research Group, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium Qualification of a new radiopharmacy department L. Breuil 1, M. Sebti1, G. Ventroux1, L. Filin2, E. Barré1, N. Jourdan1, I. Madelaine1 1 Pharmacy unit, Saint-Louis Hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux 75010 Paris
2 Nuclear medicine unit, Saint-Louis Hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux 75010 Paris Testing the uniformity of the individual delivered doses for oral solutions J. Santasouk, S. Mothier, F. Reisz, A. Dory, G. Ubeaud-Séquier, B. Gourieux Service pharmacie-stérilisation, Hôpitaux Universitaires Strasbourg (HUS), 1 place de l’hôpital BP 426 - 67091 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Set up of a mistakes isolator in the cytotoxic drug reconstitution unit (CDR) L.Decarout, T.Gailland, G.Viard-Gaudin, P.Barbeau, I.Federspiel A.Lemoigne, P.Bedouch CHU de Grenoble, boulevard de la chantourne, 38700 La Tronche, France. Physical stability of a vitamin-lipid injectable emulsion Elisabeth FARCY , Raphaël VAZQUEZ, Marie-Noëlle GUERRAULT-MORO, Annie DURAND CHI Poissy-Saint germain en laye, France Physico-chemical stability study of a sodium thiosulphate gel S. Molignier 1, E. Caudron2,3 K. Kemel3, C. Laugel3, J. Jost1,4, V. Guigonis5,6, V. Ratsimbazafy1,4 1 Service Pharmacie, CHU Dupuytren, Limoges, France
2 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital européen Georges Pompidou, AP-HP, Paris, France
3 Lip(Sys)2, Chimie analytique pharmaceutique, Université Paris Sud, Paris Saclay, Chatenay-Malabry, France.
4 UMR 1094, Université de Limoges, France
5 Service de Pédiatrie, CHU Dupuytren, Limoges, France
6 UMR 7276, Université de Limoges, France Simulation by immersive virtual tour SimUPAC 360° : a new tool for pharmacy tech in hospital school training M.Bonsergent1, M.Moine1, D. Sankhare1, J.C Nicoulaud1, S. Rouzaud2, L. Benassaia2, S.Rodier3, N. Jourdan1 1 Hôpital Saint-Louis, APHP, 75010 Paris, France,
2 Centre de Formation des Préparateurs en Pharmacie Hospitalière (CFPPH), 75571 Paris, France, 3Pharmacie, Centre Francois Baclessse, Caen, France. Spot the error ! E.Seguin, M.Friou, T.Genevee, C.Seara, E.Peyrilles, C.Giard, I.Ferry, M.Lafay, L.Escalup Pharmacie Institut Curie, 35 rue Dailly 92210 Saint Cloud Medical device to secure disconnection (distal end of the tubing) in oncology Anne Bianchi, Marie-Gabrielle Philipot, Héloïse Cadart, Laurie Manciaux, Marie-Christine Heindl Pharmacie, unité centralisée de préparation des chimiothérapies, CH CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES, 45 avenue de Manchester, 08000 Charleville-Mézières, France
Dose-banding for chemotherapy in Paediatrics : an avenue worth exploring Agathe Thouvenin, Raksamy Tang, Olivier Bourdon, Thomas Storme Pharmacy, Hôpital Robert Debré, 48 boulevard Sérurier 75019 Paris The stages of the implementation of standardization doses : the example of paclitaxel Antonot M. ; Josselin L. ; Lesourd F. ; Jary A. ; Genevée M. ; Bertrand C. ; Service pharmacie, Centre de lutte contre le cancer – Centre Eugène Marquis, Avenue de la Bataille Flandres-Dunkerque, 35042 RENNES CEDEX, France
Application of statistical process control to the use of a peristaltic pump for batch production of hospital sterile injectable preparations. Lucie Estrade1, Guillaume Bouguéon1,2, Aude Berroneau1, Sylvie Crauste-Manciet1,2 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux university hospital (CHU de Bordeaux), France
ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM - UMR 5320 CNRS Bordeaux University, France Advanced Therapy Drugs : Qualification of an autoclave for the treatment of waste from the production of Talimogène laherparepvec CARBASSE Clément 1, DELUCA Bénédicte1, BERTAULT PERES Pierre2, POURROY Bertrand3 2 Pharmacie,
1 Secteur Essais cliniques
3 Secteur Oncopharma
CHU TIMONE, , Marseille, France Validation of the sterility maintenance of 20% filled intramucosal glycerol solution bags using a manual filling pump Ducassou M-L 1, Jost J2, Estagnasie M1, Maillan G1, Ratsimbazafy V1,2 1 Unit of Galenic Preparations – Pharmacy –Limoges Teaching Hospital
2 Unit of Clinical Pharmacy, Research and Teaching - Pharmacy –Limoges Teaching Hospital Methotrexate®, Velcade® and Vidaza® syringes preparations : which of closed drug reconstitution and transfer systems are to protect the staff and environment? Y. Brasleret , M.A. Zilavec, G. Svrcek, C. Naine, D. Pecquenard, J. Grimaux 46, avenue du Général de Gaulle, Service Pharmacie, CH Soissons, France Automated preparation of 5FU elastomeric pump. Impact on Repetitive Strain Injury risk and preparation time A. Villain ; F. Feutry ; E.Bogart ; J. Villain, I. Sakji ; G.Marliot Centre Oscar Lambret, Pharmacie, Lille, France
Productivity and robotization: promises kept ? Marion Jobard, Cyrille Cros, Lorry Hachon, Sophie Dumas, Coline Guillet, Sophie Vincent, Marie-Laure Brandely-Piat, Rui Batista. Service de Pharmacie Clinique, Groupe des Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre, site Hôtel-Dieu, 1 place du Parvis Notre Dame, 75004 Paris, France Study of chemical contamination of batch preparations of anticancer drugs in isolator B. Dectot1, L. Hoden1, A. Plé2, H. Sauvageon1, L. Goldwirt2, N. Jourdan 1 1 AntiCancer drug Preparation Unit,
2 Clinical pharmacology laboratory,
Saint-Louis hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris Proposal for a secure automated 5 Fluorouracil elastomeric pump preparation method with the MediMixfour volumetric filling device® AS. Plichet, E. Girault, C. Guillot, C. Hadache, G. Communal, S. Demange, C. Fouteau, S. Remache, M-T. Baylatry, AC. Joly UPAC&C St-Antoine, 75012 Paris, France
French state of play in dose-banding C. Lambert, B. Rey-Rubio, C. Loeuillet, N. Mugnier V. Cogulet. Pharmacie oncologique. Hôpital Morvan, CHRU de Brest, FRANCE Risk assessment and securing the supply circuit of production unit of parental nutrition at hospital Robert Debré (AP-HP). ROCHEREAU A. , FREMONT D. , STORME T. , GUERRIERO E. Service pharmacie, GH Robert Debré, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), France Oral Viscous Gel of Budesonide: Optimised formulation improving productivity Clara ROESSLE 1, Charlotte JACOLIN1, Agathe THOUVENIN1, Aude ROCHEREAU1, Olivier BOURDON1,3, Thomas STORME1,2 1 Service de Pharmacie, Hôpital Universitaire Robert-Debré, AP-HP, Paris, France
2 Laboratoire de Pharmacologie, Hôpital Universitaire Robert-Debré, AP-HP, Paris, France
3 Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France Optimization of pharmaceutical analysis for nominative parenteral nutrition (NPN) bags prescriptions in neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit Margaux ROBAIL, Vincent LEBRETON, Julien MOYNARD, Emmanuelle OLIVIER Service de Pharmacotechnie, CHU de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, 1 Place Alexis Ricordeau, 44093 Nantes Supplying pharmaceutical glass vials in hospital pharmacy : A glance over the fence and the new world S. Filali, M-A Cerfon, L. Bossy, M. Rousseau, B. Lapras, D. Salmon, C. Merienne, C. Pivot, F. Pirot Hospices Civils de Lyon, Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot - Service Pharmaceutique, Place d’Arsonval - F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France Situation of Crisis Management in a Cytotoxic Reconstitution Unit (URC) C.Darras, M.Berthe, I.Princet Pharmacie CHU de Poitiers, France Indexing of a new 5-fluorouracil diffuser: Why? How? E. NEVADO, F.A. CHASTANG, S. HUET, G. MAILLAN Pharmacie à usage intérieur, CHU Dupuytren, 2 avenue Martin Luther King, 87042 Limoges (France) Pharmaceutical circuit of clinical trials including an pharmaceutical preparation : standardization for optimisation Lise Bernard1,2, Mireille Jouannet1, Mathieu Wasiak1, Philip Chennell1,2, Valérie Sautou1,2 1 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pôle Pharmacie, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont Ferrand, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, ICCF, Clermont-Ferrand, France Management of parenteral nutrition process for newborn and preterm infants – results of a preliminary risk analysis Isabelle Sommer, Farshid Sadeghipour Pharmacy, CHUV, Lausanne; Section of pharmaceutical sciences (EPGL), University of Lausanne, University of Geneva; Switzerland Optimization of chemotherapy circuit (short circuit) in oncology day hospital: feedback M.Gallard 1, A.Pla-Pinaud2, C.Testud2, Dr Fleck2, J.Arcizet1, M.Laplace1, B.Dalifard1, M.Receveur1 1 Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitution Unit, Pharmacy, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France
2 Oncology, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France Evolution of the manufacturing module of the software CHIMIO® : for a better security of the manufacturing process Pauline Gueneau, Pauline Pistre, Mérédith Boutet, Corinne Pernot Unité de Pharmacotechnie et Essais Cliniques CHU de Dijon
14 rue Gaffarel 21000 Dijon Multi-institutional compounding units: evaluation of a new model of production M. Delforge ; S. Perriat ; A. Grand ; F. Puisset ; JM. Canonge Pharmacie, IUCT-Oncopole, Avenue Irene Joliot Curie, Toulouse Survey about the conditions of preparation and administration of cetuximab in francophone hospitals AL.Kienlin, V.Noirez, P. Monfort, G. Rondelot CHR de Metz-Thionville, France
Use of Enzyme Indicators, Enhanced and accelerated validation of Hydrogen Peroxyde sanitization cycles Franck PAVAN1, Phillip GODDEN2 1. EUROCOM SARL 6 Chemin des Garennes, 31260 TOUILLE France
Feedback on the implementation of a method by capillary electrophoresis for parenteral nutrition bags M. Antonot, C. Pellen, C. Dubegny, P-N. Boivin, M-A. Lester ;
Pharmacy department, Rennes University Hospital, Rennes, France Implementation and validation of dosage of a monoclonal antibody by QC-Prep®: Example of Avelumab (BAVENCIO®) Thi Vinh Hanh DOAN, Antonin DUBOIS, Lorenzo FALCONIERI, Névine OSMAN, Anne JACOLOT, Marthe RIGAL, Maxime APPARUIT Unité de préparation et de contrôle des anticancéreux (UPC) – Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Avicenne (HUPSSD), France Analysis of non-conformities after 7 months of video control use by DrugCam® Jambon Julie, Gillet Christelle, Brouard Pascale, Favier Mireille, Cousin Christelle CHU Caremeau, 4 Rue du Professeur Robert Debré, Nîmes FRANCE Evaluation of reprotoxic risk assessment in a control laboratory (CL): choice of a new method for the calcium dosage in parenteral nutrition preparation L. Favrelle1 ; AF. Dumas1 ; J. Leenhardt1 ; M. Durand1 ; B. Allenet1,2 ; P. Bedouch1 ; MD. Desruet1 ; R. Mazet1,3 1 Pharmacie centrale, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Grenoble Alpes,
2 ThEMAS,TIMC-IMAG UMR CNRS 5525, Université Grenoble Alpes,
3 DPM, UMR CNRS 5063, ICMG FR 2607, Université Grenoble Alpes
Determination of endotoxin in vitamin-lipid syringes by the chromogenic kinetic method Elisabeth FARCY , Raphael VAZQUEZ, Marie-Noëlle GUERRAULT-MORO, Annie DURAND CHI Poissy-Saint germain en laye, France
Test for sterility using membrane filtration : validation of a new method A.Danckaert, J.Randrianary , F.Danicourt, A.Feutry, S.Granry, F.Monard, S.Richez, E.Janvier Centre Hospitalier de Calais, France Anti-cancer vials: identifiable? M.Gallard1 , J.Arcizet1, M.Laplace1, L.Jolly2, B.Dalifard1, B. Le Franc1 1 Unité de Reconstitution des Cytotoxiques (URC), service Pharmacie, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France
2 Service Biomédical, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France Optical emission spectrometer inductively coupled plasma: Application to chemical controls of parenteral nutrition mixtures S.Vandewoestyne ; D.Sémély ; J-B. Desbouges ; F. Roussin ; Z.Ramjaun ; M.Tafani. Uf Pharmacotechnie, C.H.U Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
Stability of concentrated solutions of isosorbide dinitrate in syringes for administration in the Intensive Care Unit Hecq JD , Lardinois B, Dimitrio A, Bihin B, Jamart J, Soumoy L, Galanti L Drug Stability Research Group. CHU UCL Namur, Belgique The conception of a laboratory suited to the chemotherapies analysis in hospital pharmacy Nicolas Guichard1,2, Pascal Bonnabry1,2 et Sandrine Fleury-Souverain1 1. Pharmacy, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
2. School of Pharmacy, Geneva University, Lausanne University, Geneva, Switzerland Long-term stability of an infusion containing paracetamol, alizapride, ketorolac and tramadol in glass bottle at 5±3°C M.-L. Colsoul1,4, J.-D. Hecq2,4, L. Soumoy2,4, O. Charles1, N. Goderniaux1,4, B. Bihin3,4, J. Jamart3,4, L. Galanti1,4 1 Medical Laboratory, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
2 Department of Pharmacy,CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
3 Scientific Support Unit, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
4 Drug Stability Research Group, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium Retrospective analysis of Y-site drugs compatibilities in a hematology unit G.Sicard 1, R.Fanciullino1,2, R.Costello3, S.Gensollen20 1 SMARTc, CRCM, UMR Inserm 1068, CNRS UMR 7258, Aix Marseille Université U105, Faculté de Pharmacie, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin - CS 30064 - 13385 Marseille, France
2 Pharmacie, Hôpital de la Conception, 147 Boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille
3 Service d’hématologie, Hôpital de la Conception, 147 Boulevard Baille, 13005 Marseille Long-term stability of lorazepam in sodium chloride 0.9% polypropylene syringes at 5±3°C A. Breuer1, M.-L. Colsoul1,4, N. Goderniaux1,4, L. Galanti1,4, L. Soumoy2,4, B. Bihin3,4, J. Jamart3,4, J.-D. Hecq2,4 1 Medical Laboratory, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
2 Department of Pharmacy, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
3 Scientific Support Unit, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium
4 Drug Stability Research Group, CHU UCL Namur, 1 avenue Therasse, 5530 Yvoir, Belgium Qualification of a new radiopharmacy department L. Breuil 1, M. Sebti1, G. Ventroux1, L. Filin2, E. Barré1, N. Jourdan1, I. Madelaine1 1 Pharmacy unit, Saint-Louis Hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux 75010 Paris
2 Nuclear medicine unit, Saint-Louis Hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux 75010 Paris Testing the uniformity of the individual delivered doses for oral solutions J. Santasouk, S. Mothier, F. Reisz, A. Dory, G. Ubeaud-Séquier, B. Gourieux Service pharmacie-stérilisation, Hôpitaux Universitaires Strasbourg (HUS), 1 place de l’hôpital BP 426 - 67091 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Set up of a mistakes isolator in the cytotoxic drug reconstitution unit (CDR) L.Decarout, T.Gailland, G.Viard-Gaudin, P.Barbeau, I.Federspiel A.Lemoigne, P.Bedouch CHU de Grenoble, boulevard de la chantourne, 38700 La Tronche, France. Physical stability of a vitamin-lipid injectable emulsion Elisabeth FARCY , Raphaël VAZQUEZ, Marie-Noëlle GUERRAULT-MORO, Annie DURAND CHI Poissy-Saint germain en laye, France Physico-chemical stability study of a sodium thiosulphate gel S. Molignier 1, E. Caudron2,3 K. Kemel3, C. Laugel3, J. Jost1,4, V. Guigonis5,6, V. Ratsimbazafy1,4 1 Service Pharmacie, CHU Dupuytren, Limoges, France
2 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital européen Georges Pompidou, AP-HP, Paris, France
3 Lip(Sys)2, Chimie analytique pharmaceutique, Université Paris Sud, Paris Saclay, Chatenay-Malabry, France.
4 UMR 1094, Université de Limoges, France
5 Service de Pédiatrie, CHU Dupuytren, Limoges, France
6 UMR 7276, Université de Limoges, France Simulation by immersive virtual tour SimUPAC 360° : a new tool for pharmacy tech in hospital school training M.Bonsergent1, M.Moine1, D. Sankhare1, J.C Nicoulaud1, S. Rouzaud2, L. Benassaia2, S.Rodier3, N. Jourdan1 1 Hôpital Saint-Louis, APHP, 75010 Paris, France,
2 Centre de Formation des Préparateurs en Pharmacie Hospitalière (CFPPH), 75571 Paris, France, 3Pharmacie, Centre Francois Baclessse, Caen, France. Spot the error ! E.Seguin, M.Friou, T.Genevee, C.Seara, E.Peyrilles, C.Giard, I.Ferry, M.Lafay, L.Escalup Pharmacie Institut Curie, 35 rue Dailly 92210 Saint Cloud Medical device to secure disconnection (distal end of the tubing) in oncology Anne Bianchi, Marie-Gabrielle Philipot, Héloïse Cadart, Laurie Manciaux, Marie-Christine Heindl Pharmacie, unité centralisée de préparation des chimiothérapies, CH CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES, 45 avenue de Manchester, 08000 Charleville-Mézières, France
Dose-banding for chemotherapy in Paediatrics : an avenue worth exploring Agathe Thouvenin, Raksamy Tang, Olivier Bourdon, Thomas Storme Pharmacy, Hôpital Robert Debré, 48 boulevard Sérurier 75019 Paris The stages of the implementation of standardization doses : the example of paclitaxel Antonot M. ; Josselin L. ; Lesourd F. ; Jary A. ; Genevée M. ; Bertrand C. ; Service pharmacie, Centre de lutte contre le cancer – Centre Eugène Marquis, Avenue de la Bataille Flandres-Dunkerque, 35042 RENNES CEDEX, France
Application of statistical process control to the use of a peristaltic pump for batch production of hospital sterile injectable preparations. Lucie Estrade1, Guillaume Bouguéon1,2, Aude Berroneau1, Sylvie Crauste-Manciet1,2 Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Bordeaux university hospital (CHU de Bordeaux), France
ARNA ChemBioPharm U1212 INSERM - UMR 5320 CNRS Bordeaux University, France Advanced Therapy Drugs : Qualification of an autoclave for the treatment of waste from the production of Talimogène laherparepvec CARBASSE Clément 1, DELUCA Bénédicte1, BERTAULT PERES Pierre2, POURROY Bertrand3 2 Pharmacie,
1 Secteur Essais cliniques
3 Secteur Oncopharma
CHU TIMONE, , Marseille, France Validation of the sterility maintenance of 20% filled intramucosal glycerol solution bags using a manual filling pump Ducassou M-L 1, Jost J2, Estagnasie M1, Maillan G1, Ratsimbazafy V1,2 1 Unit of Galenic Preparations – Pharmacy –Limoges Teaching Hospital
2 Unit of Clinical Pharmacy, Research and Teaching - Pharmacy –Limoges Teaching Hospital Methotrexate®, Velcade® and Vidaza® syringes preparations : which of closed drug reconstitution and transfer systems are to protect the staff and environment? Y. Brasleret , M.A. Zilavec, G. Svrcek, C. Naine, D. Pecquenard, J. Grimaux 46, avenue du Général de Gaulle, Service Pharmacie, CH Soissons, France Automated preparation of 5FU elastomeric pump. Impact on Repetitive Strain Injury risk and preparation time A. Villain ; F. Feutry ; E.Bogart ; J. Villain, I. Sakji ; G.Marliot Centre Oscar Lambret, Pharmacie, Lille, France
Productivity and robotization: promises kept ? Marion Jobard, Cyrille Cros, Lorry Hachon, Sophie Dumas, Coline Guillet, Sophie Vincent, Marie-Laure Brandely-Piat, Rui Batista. Service de Pharmacie Clinique, Groupe des Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre, site Hôtel-Dieu, 1 place du Parvis Notre Dame, 75004 Paris, France Study of chemical contamination of batch preparations of anticancer drugs in isolator B. Dectot1, L. Hoden1, A. Plé2, H. Sauvageon1, L. Goldwirt2, N. Jourdan 1 1 AntiCancer drug Preparation Unit,
2 Clinical pharmacology laboratory,
Saint-Louis hospital, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris Proposal for a secure automated 5 Fluorouracil elastomeric pump preparation method with the MediMixfour volumetric filling device® AS. Plichet, E. Girault, C. Guillot, C. Hadache, G. Communal, S. Demange, C. Fouteau, S. Remache, M-T. Baylatry, AC. Joly UPAC&C St-Antoine, 75012 Paris, France
French state of play in dose-banding C. Lambert, B. Rey-Rubio, C. Loeuillet, N. Mugnier V. Cogulet. Pharmacie oncologique. Hôpital Morvan, CHRU de Brest, FRANCE Risk assessment and securing the supply circuit of production unit of parental nutrition at hospital Robert Debré (AP-HP). ROCHEREAU A. , FREMONT D. , STORME T. , GUERRIERO E. Service pharmacie, GH Robert Debré, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), France Oral Viscous Gel of Budesonide: Optimised formulation improving productivity Clara ROESSLE 1, Charlotte JACOLIN1, Agathe THOUVENIN1, Aude ROCHEREAU1, Olivier BOURDON1,3, Thomas STORME1,2 1 Service de Pharmacie, Hôpital Universitaire Robert-Debré, AP-HP, Paris, France
2 Laboratoire de Pharmacologie, Hôpital Universitaire Robert-Debré, AP-HP, Paris, France
3 Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France Optimization of pharmaceutical analysis for nominative parenteral nutrition (NPN) bags prescriptions in neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit Margaux ROBAIL, Vincent LEBRETON, Julien MOYNARD, Emmanuelle OLIVIER Service de Pharmacotechnie, CHU de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, 1 Place Alexis Ricordeau, 44093 Nantes Supplying pharmaceutical glass vials in hospital pharmacy : A glance over the fence and the new world S. Filali, M-A Cerfon, L. Bossy, M. Rousseau, B. Lapras, D. Salmon, C. Merienne, C. Pivot, F. Pirot Hospices Civils de Lyon, Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot - Service Pharmaceutique, Place d’Arsonval - F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France Situation of Crisis Management in a Cytotoxic Reconstitution Unit (URC) C.Darras, M.Berthe, I.Princet Pharmacie CHU de Poitiers, France Indexing of a new 5-fluorouracil diffuser: Why? How? E. NEVADO, F.A. CHASTANG, S. HUET, G. MAILLAN Pharmacie à usage intérieur, CHU Dupuytren, 2 avenue Martin Luther King, 87042 Limoges (France) Pharmaceutical circuit of clinical trials including an pharmaceutical preparation : standardization for optimisation Lise Bernard1,2, Mireille Jouannet1, Mathieu Wasiak1, Philip Chennell1,2, Valérie Sautou1,2 1 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pôle Pharmacie, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont Ferrand, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, ICCF, Clermont-Ferrand, France Management of parenteral nutrition process for newborn and preterm infants – results of a preliminary risk analysis Isabelle Sommer, Farshid Sadeghipour Pharmacy, CHUV, Lausanne; Section of pharmaceutical sciences (EPGL), University of Lausanne, University of Geneva; Switzerland Optimization of chemotherapy circuit (short circuit) in oncology day hospital: feedback M.Gallard 1, A.Pla-Pinaud2, C.Testud2, Dr Fleck2, J.Arcizet1, M.Laplace1, B.Dalifard1, M.Receveur1 1 Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitution Unit, Pharmacy, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France
2 Oncology, GH La Rochelle Ré Aunis, France Evolution of the manufacturing module of the software CHIMIO® : for a better security of the manufacturing process Pauline Gueneau, Pauline Pistre, Mérédith Boutet, Corinne Pernot Unité de Pharmacotechnie et Essais Cliniques CHU de Dijon
14 rue Gaffarel 21000 Dijon Multi-institutional compounding units: evaluation of a new model of production M. Delforge ; S. Perriat ; A. Grand ; F. Puisset ; JM. Canonge Pharmacie, IUCT-Oncopole, Avenue Irene Joliot Curie, Toulouse Survey about the conditions of preparation and administration of cetuximab in francophone hospitals AL.Kienlin, V.Noirez, P. Monfort, G. Rondelot CHR de Metz-Thionville, France