The 27th European scientific GERPAC Conference

We look forward to seeing you at the 27th European scientific GERPAC Conference on October 2, 3, and 4 in Hyères (France).

The topics of hospital pharmacotechnics will be approached under various forms of presentations:

* conferences in various fields of hospital pharmacotechny with a special focus this year on the future of hospital pharmaceutical technologies, including an overview of new biotherapies and the role of the hospital pharmacist as well as risk analysis for new therapeutics production ;
* an “Interactive case studies” which will allow the participants to interact live about three difficult situations submitted by the attendees themselves.
* short oral communications and oral presentation sessions in front of the posters presenting original work carried out in hospital pharmacies and selected by the scientific committee,
* five interactive workshops in parallel sessions to address professional practice topics such as “Validation of aseptic pharmaceutical preparations” and “Stability studies in a hospital setting” ,
* break times and visits of the exhibition allowing meetings between congressmen, speakers and exhibitors.

As in 2023 a remote version will be accessible for delegates who cannot be present in Hyères.

Simultaneous French-English translation will be available for all plenary sessions.

We look forward to meeting you at our next meeting and/or remote sessions for fruitful discussions on hospital pharmaceutical technology.

Prof. Frédéric Lagarce
Chairman of the scientific committee

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